Debit Credit Card Dispute Form
To dispute a Credit or Debit card transaction:
1. Attempt to contact the merchant. Prior to disputing charges, you must make every effort to resolve the dispute with the merchant. If contact has been made with no resolution or there is no means of contact, you must complete a Debit/Credit Card Dispute Form.
Please select your choice:
- I will try resolve the dispute with merchant: click here to ask merchant resolve the case
- I have contacted merchant, and there is no resolution: click here to fill a dispute with card issuer organization.
2. Trial offer merchants often enroll you into other offers when you accept and agree to their terms and conditions. Paypal and Stripe suggests that you contact these merchants and request a credit. Ask for a supervisor if needed when you contact the merchant. Most trial merchants will issue a credit within the first 30 days. Click here to contact merchant.
3. Transactions must be submitted for dispute within sixty days of the transaction date due to VISA regulations.
- Please click here to submit for dispute ASAP.
4. The Debit/Credit Card Dispute Form must include copies of documentation to support your dispute. VISA Regulations require documentation to substantiate disputes, therefore detailed information is required. The Credit Union will need the signed form stating the efforts and results of your contact with the merchant, copies of proof of returns, credit slips, cancellation numbers, and date cancelled where applicable. If the appropriate documentation is not supplied, it may result in a processing delay and/or delayed issuance of a provisional credit.
5. Fraudulent Transactions. If the transactions posted to the account were fraudulent, you are not required to contact the merchant directly, however, you are required to complete the Dispute Form in its entirety.
6. Submitting the dispute form. Once the form is received and we have all of the documentation, we will process the dispute and provide a provisional credit to the account within 1-2 business days. Both pages of the Dispute Form are required to be completed